There’s a new Iron Banner event coming up in Destiny 2: The Final Shape, which is a perfect excuse to spend some Strange Coins and outfit your Guardian with some new equipment for the PvP showdown. Or maybe you’re looking to run a few Grandmaster Nightfalls and increase your odds of success. Whatever the reason, roaming arms dealer Xur is sure to have something that’ll catch your eye. Here’s a closer look at what Xur has for sale this weekend.
For his Exotic weapon catalystsweapons, Xur is offering the upgrades for Polaris Lance and Jotunn. Hunters can pick up St0mp-EE5; Titans can grab Peregrine Greaves; and Warlocks can buy Skull of Dire Ahamkara.
Xur Location
Spawn in at the Tower and hang a right past Banshee-44. Continue down the stairs, follow the corridor, and once you hit the Bazaar, turn right down the nearby alleyway. You’ll find Xur here in his dedicated alcove, ready to sell you his latest wares if you have enough Strange Coins in your pocket. Check out our how to get Strange Coins guide for details on earning this currency, which involves doing ritual activities to earn them.
Xur Exotic Items And Other Wares
- Polaris Lance Exotic Catalyst — 71 Strange Coins
- Jotunn Exotic Catalyst — 71 Strange Coins
- Peregrine Greaves — 41 Strange Coins
- St0mp-EE5 — 41 Strange Coins
- Skull of Dire Ahamkara– 41 Strange Coins
- Vanguard Engram — 31 Strange Coins
- Legendary Armor — 17 Strange Coins
- Legendary Weapons — 17 Strange Coins
Exotic Armor
Peregrine Greaves (Exotic Titan leg armor)
If you’re into using charged melee abilities as a Titan–Seismic Strike, Hammer Strike, or Shield Bash–you’ll want these fancy boots. All shoulder-charge abilities deal bonus damage when activated in the air, and damaging tough opponents like mini-bosses and Tormentors with one of those attacks will refund energy to that ability. Appropriately, strength is the highest stat on these Exotic boots, although the high mobility stat does deprive resilience and recovery from being better. If you haven’t already got it, this Exotic is worth picking up this weekend.
- Mobility: 16
- Resilience: 11
- Recovery: 6
- Discipline: 9
- Intellect: 2
- Strength: 20
- Total: 64
Stomp-EE5 (Exotic Hunter leg armor)
A favorite for Hunters in the Crucible, St0mp-EE5 increases sprint speed and slide distance, improves several jump abilities, and allows you to take reduced damage from targets when you’re airborneVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. Most of the stats on this roll are pretty well-balanced–although strength is quite low–so this is a pretty good version of the Exotic leg armor to grab ahead of next week’s Iron Banner PvP event.
- Mobility: 14
- Resilience: 11
- Recovery: 10
- Discipline: 10
- Intellect: 17
- Strength: 6
- Total: 68
Skull of Dire Ahamkara (Exotic Warlock helmet)
A Warlock classic, Skull of Dire Ahamkara gives the space-wizards extra resistance to damage as they charge up and fire off a Nova Bomb. Landing the Super will also refund some energy back to your Warlock, depending on the number of kills. Void Warlock builds are pretty popular now, and with Pale Heart weapons allowing you to quickly charge your Super ability, this is a great Exotic to grab. The crucial Intellect stat is the highest here, while resilience and recovery are pretty good as well. Strength could be better, but it’s not often that we see Xur offer a Skull of Dire Ahamkara helmet with mostly good stats like this.
- Mobility: 10
- Resilience: 13
- Recovery: 12
- Discipline: 7
- Intellect: 19
- Strength: 6
- Total: 67
Exotic Weapon Catalysts
Faster charge time or draw time when surrounded by combatants. Defeating a target spreads scorch to those nearby. More powerful combatants and opposing Guardians cause scorch in a larger radius.
Polaris Lance
Precision kills create an elemental damage explosion.